; Filename: gozila.asm *
; Date: 2002/3/30 *
; File Version: *
list p=16F84 ; list directive to define processor
#include <p16F84.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions
; P16F84.INC Standard Header File, Version 2.00 Microchip Technology, Inc.
w_temp EQU 0x0C ; variable used for context saving
status_temp EQU 0x0D ; variable used for context saving
led_data EQU 0x11 ;LED set data
;led_data,0 SEBIRE1 LED
;led_data,1 SEBIRE2 LED
;led_data,2 SEBIRE3 LED
;led_data,3 SEBIRE4 LED
;led_data,4 SEBIRE5 LED
;led_data,5 SEBIRE6 LED
;led_data,6 KUCHI LED
acount1 EQU 0x13 ;LED auto count ram1
acount2 EQU 0x14 ;LED auto count ram2
wait_data EQU 0x15 ;wait data ram
color_count EQU 0x16 ;color count ram
taihi EQU 0x17 ;taihi data
wait_data2 EQU 0x18 ;wait data2 ram
sebi1_count EQU 0x19 ;SEBIRE1 count ram
sebi2_count EQU 0x1a ;SEBIRE2 count ram
sebi3_count EQU 0x1b ;SEBIRE3 count ram
sebi4_count EQU 0x1c ;SEBIRE4 count ram
sebi5_count EQU 0x1d ;SEBIRE5 count ram
sebi6_count EQU 0x1e ;SEBIRE6 count ram
kuchi_count EQU 0x1f ;KUCHI count ram
sebi1_on EQU 0x20 ;SEBIRE1 LED ON data ram
sebi1_off EQU 0x21 ;SEBIRE1 LED OFF data ram
sebi2_on EQU 0x22 ;SEBIRE2 LED ON data ram
sebi2_off EQU 0x23 ;SEBIRE2 LED OFF data ram
sebi3_on EQU 0x24 ;SEBIRE3 LED ON data ram
sebi3_off EQU 0x25 ;SEBIRE3 LED OFF data ram
sebi4_on EQU 0x26 ;SEBIRE4 LED ON data ram
sebi4_off EQU 0x27 ;SEBIRE4 LED OFF data ram
sebi5_on EQU 0x28 ;SEBIRE5 LED ON data ram
sebi5_off EQU 0x29 ;SEBIRE5 LED OFF data ram
sebi6_on EQU 0x2a ;SEBIRE6 LED ON data ram
sebi6_off EQU 0x2b ;SEBIRE6 LED OFF data ram
kuchi_on EQU 0x2c ;KUCHI LED ON data ram
kuchi_off EQU 0x2d ;KUCHI LED OFF data ram
int_count1 EQU 0x30 ;int count1
int_count2 EQU 0x31 ;int count2
int_count3 EQU 0x32 ;int count3
tm0_setdata EQU 0f3h ;FFH-F3H=12 12*16=192usec
ORG 0x000 ; processor reset vector
goto main ; go to beginning of program
ORG 0x004 ; interrupt vector location
movwf w_temp ; save off current W register contents
movf STATUS,w ; move status register into W register
movwf status_temp ; save off contents of STATUS register
movlw tm0_setdata
movwf TMR0
movlw 01h
addwf int_count1,1
btfss STATUS,0
goto int_next2
movlw 01h
addwf int_count2,1
btfsc STATUS,0
incf int_count3,1
movlw 01h ;LED mode auto shori
addwf acount1,1
btfsc STATUS,0
incf acount2,1
btfss acount2,0 ;
goto sebire1_leds
call led_change
call led_set
call auto_clear
;----------------------- SEBIRE1
sebire1_leds decfsz sebi1_count,1
goto sebire2_leds
btfsc led_data,0 ;SEBIRE1 OFF?
goto sebire1_leds_2
sebire1_leds_3 bsf led_data,0 ;SEBIRE1 ON
movf sebi1_on,0
movwf sebi1_count
movf sebi1_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire1_leds_2
goto sebire2_leds
sebire1_leds_2 bcf led_data,0 ;SEBIRE1 OFF
movf sebi1_off,0
movwf sebi1_count
movf sebi1_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire1_leds_3
;----------------------- SEBIRE2
sebire2_leds decfsz sebi2_count,1
goto sebire3_leds
btfsc led_data,1 ;SEBIRE2 OFF?
goto sebire2_leds_2
sebire2_leds_3 bsf led_data,1 ;SEBIRE2 ON
movf sebi2_on,0
movwf sebi2_count
movf sebi2_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire2_leds_2
goto sebire3_leds
sebire2_leds_2 bcf led_data,1 ;SEBIRE2 OFF
movf sebi2_off,0
movwf sebi2_count
movf sebi2_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire2_leds_3
;----------------------- SEBIRE3
sebire3_leds decfsz sebi3_count,1
goto sebire4_leds
btfsc led_data,2 ;SEBIRE3 OFF?
goto sebire3_leds_2
sebire3_leds_3 bsf led_data,2 ;SEBIRE3 ON
movf sebi3_on,0
movwf sebi3_count
movf sebi3_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire3_leds_2
goto sebire4_leds
sebire3_leds_2 bcf led_data,2 ;SEBIRE3 OFF
movf sebi3_off,0
movwf sebi3_count
movf sebi3_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire3_leds_3
;----------------------- SEBIRE4
sebire4_leds decfsz sebi4_count,1
goto sebire5_leds
btfsc led_data,3 ;SEBIRE4 OFF?
goto sebire4_leds_2
sebire4_leds_3 bsf led_data,3 ;SEBIRE4 ON
movf sebi4_on,0
movwf sebi4_count
movf sebi4_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire4_leds_2
goto sebire5_leds
sebire4_leds_2 bcf led_data,3 ;SEBIRE4 OFF
movf sebi4_off,0
movwf sebi4_count
movf sebi4_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire4_leds_3
;----------------------- SEBIRE5
sebire5_leds decfsz sebi5_count,1
goto sebire6_leds
btfsc led_data,4 ;SEBIRE5 OFF?
goto sebire5_leds_2
sebire5_leds_3 bsf led_data,4 ;SEBIRE5 ON
movf sebi5_on,0
movwf sebi5_count
movf sebi5_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire5_leds_2
goto sebire6_leds
sebire5_leds_2 bcf led_data,4 ;SEBIRE5 OFF
movf sebi5_off,0
movwf sebi5_count
movf sebi5_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire5_leds_3
;----------------------- SEBIRE6
sebire6_leds decfsz sebi6_count,1
goto kuchi_leds
btfsc led_data,5 ;SEBIRE6 OFF?
goto sebire6_leds_2
sebire6_leds_3 bsf led_data,5 ;SEBIRE6 ON
movf sebi6_on,0
movwf sebi6_count
movf sebi6_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire6_leds_2
goto kuchi_leds
sebire6_leds_2 bcf led_data,5 ;SEBIRE6 OFF
movf sebi6_off,0
movwf sebi6_count
movf sebi6_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto sebire6_leds_3
;------------------------ KUCHI
kuchi_leds decfsz kuchi_count,1
goto next_leds_3
btfsc led_data,6 ;KUCHI OFF?
goto kuchi_leds_2
kuchi_leds_3 bsf led_data,6 ;KUCHI ON
movf kuchi_on,0
movwf kuchi_count
movf kuchi_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto kuchi_leds_2
goto next_leds_3
kuchi_leds_2 bcf led_data,6 ;KUCHI OFF
movf kuchi_off,0
movwf kuchi_count
movf kuchi_count,0
btfsc STATUS,2
goto kuchi_leds_3
movf status_temp,w ; retrieve copy of STATUS register
movwf STATUS ; restore pre-isr STATUS register contents
swapf w_temp,f
swapf w_temp,w ; restore pre-isr W register contents
retfie ; return from interrupt
call port_set
movlw 00h
movwf PORTA
movlw 080h
movwf PORTB
call timer0_set
movlw 50h
movwf color_count
call auto_clear
movlw 00h
movwf led_data ;LED ALL OFF
call set_lo_leds
movf sebi1_on,0
movwf sebi1_count ;SEBIRE1 count data set
movf sebi2_on,0
movwf sebi2_count ;SEBIRE1 count data set
movf sebi3_on,0
movwf sebi3_count ;SEBIRE1 count data set
movf sebi4_on,0
movwf sebi4_count ;SEBIRE1 count data set
movf sebi5_on,0
movwf sebi5_count ;SEBIRE1 count data set
movf sebi6_on,0
movwf sebi6_count ;SEBIRE1 count data set
movf kuchi_on,0
movwf kuchi_count ;KUCHI count data set
call icnt_clear
movlw 080h
movwf PORTB
call out1_out
btfsc int_count3,1
goto main_sleep2
btfss led_data,0
goto sebire1_led_off
bsf PORTB,0
goto sebire2_led
bcf PORTB,0
btfss led_data,1
goto sebire2_led_off
bsf PORTB,1
goto sebire3_led
bcf PORTB,1
btfss led_data,2
goto sebire3_led_off
bsf PORTB,2
goto sebire4_led
bcf PORTB,2
btfss led_data,3
goto sebire4_led_off
bsf PORTB,3
goto sebire5_led
bcf PORTB,3
btfss led_data,4
goto sebire5_led_off
bsf PORTB,4
goto sebire6_led
bcf PORTB,4
btfss led_data,5
goto sebire6_led_off
bsf PORTB,5
goto kuchi_led
bcf PORTB,5
btfss led_data,6
goto kuchi_led_off
bsf PORTB,6
goto main_next_3
bcf PORTB,6
goto main_loop
call out2_out
goto main_sleep
bsf PORTA,0
call wait_1
call wait_1
call wait_1
bcf PORTA,0
bsf PORTA,1
call wait_1
call wait_1
call wait_1
bcf PORTA,1
movlw 0ffh
movwf wait_data
decfsz wait_data,1
goto wait_2
auto_clear movlw 00h
movwf acount1 ;LED auto count clear
movwf acount2
led_change decf color_count,1
btfsc STATUS,2
goto led_change2
led_change2 movlw 50h
movwf color_count
call set_on_sebire1
movwf sebi1_on
sublw 70h
movwf sebi1_off
call set_on_sebire2
movwf sebi2_on
sublw 70h
movwf sebi2_off
call set_on_sebire3
movwf sebi3_on
sublw 70h
movwf sebi3_off
call set_on_sebire4
movwf sebi4_on
sublw 70h
movwf sebi4_off
call set_on_sebire5
movwf sebi5_on
sublw 70h
movwf sebi5_off
call set_on_sebire6
movwf sebi6_on
sublw 70h
movwf sebi6_off
call set_on_kuchi
movwf kuchi_on
sublw 70h
movwf kuchi_off
icnt_clear movlw 00h
movwf int_count1
movwf int_count2
movwf int_count3
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(sebire1_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(sebire1_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
retlw 020h
retlw 030h
retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
retlw 030h
retlw 020h
retlw 010h
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(sebire2_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(sebire2_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
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retlw 000h
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retlw 030h
retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
retlw 030h
retlw 020h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(sebire3_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(sebire3_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
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retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
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retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
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retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
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retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
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retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(sebire4_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(sebire4_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
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retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
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retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 010h
retlw 020h
retlw 030h
retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
retlw 030h
retlw 020h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(sebire5_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(sebire5_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 020h
retlw 030h
retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
retlw 030h
retlw 020h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(sebire6_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(sebire6_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 030h
retlw 050h
retlw 070h
retlw 050h
retlw 030h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 020h
retlw 030h
retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
retlw 030h
retlw 020h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
movf color_count,0
movwf taihi
movlw low(kuchi_on_table)
addwf taihi,1
movlw high(kuchi_on_table)
movwf PCLATH
addcf PCLATH,1
movf taihi,0
movwf PCL
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 010h
retlw 010h
retlw 020h
retlw 020h
retlw 030h
retlw 030h
retlw 040h
retlw 040h
retlw 050h
retlw 050h
retlw 050h
retlw 060h
retlw 060h
retlw 060h
retlw 070h
retlw 070h
retlw 070h
retlw 070h
retlw 070h
retlw 070h
retlw 060h
retlw 050h
retlw 040h
retlw 030h
retlw 020h
retlw 010h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
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retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
retlw 000h
set_lo_leds movlw 00h
movwf sebi1_on
movwf sebi2_on
movwf sebi3_on
movwf sebi4_on
movwf sebi5_on
movwf sebi6_on
movwf kuchi_on
movlw 70h
movwf sebi1_off
movwf sebi2_off
movwf sebi3_off
movwf sebi4_off
movwf sebi5_off
movwf sebi6_off
movwf kuchi_off
port_set ;RA0,RA1,RA2,RA3,RA4(OUT)
clrf TRISA
clrf TRISB
bsf TRISB,7
movlw 083h ;(1)PORTB NOT PULLUP
movlw tm0_setdata
movwf TMR0
END ; directive 'end of program'